created by: (Irham Dzuhri)

Indonesian version

  1. Buka Chrome.
  2. Cari “Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor” extension.
  3. Install / Add to chrome.
  4. Buka telegram via web , login tele nya.
  5. Start bot nya (disini kita start bot blum).
  6. Kalo bot nya udah kebuka, lalu jalankan bot.
  7. Setelah bot berhasil jalan, Buka “Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor” extension.
  8. Click Check.
  9. Kalo muncul tulisan “query_id=……”, pilih Copy.
  10. Done.

English Version

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Search for the "Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor" extension.
  3. Install / Add to Chrome.
  4. Open Telegram via the web at and log in.
  5. Start the bot (here we start the bot first).
  6. Once the bot is open, run the bot.
  7. After the bot runs successfully, open the "Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor" extension.
  8. Click Check.
  9. If you see the message “query_id=……”, select Copy.
  10. Done.