created by: (Irham Dzuhri)

Indonesian Version

  1. Buka Orion browsernya , pilih titik tiga di pojok kanan bawah → pilih Settings.
  2. Scroll kebawah cari cari Extensions, Pilih Chrome , Lalu Turn ON, Trus Tutup.
  3. pilih titik tiga di pojok kanan bawah lagi → pilih Extensions → Klik tombol “+” di pojok kiri bawah → Pilih Install Chrome Extension.
  4. Cari “Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor” extension.
  5. Install / Add to chrome.
  6. Buka telegram via web di Orion browser, login tele nya.
  7. Start bot nya (disini kita start bot blum).
  8. Kalo bot blum udah kebuka. pilih titik tiga di pojok kanan atas → scroll kebawah → pilih “Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor” extension.
  9. Click Check.
  10. Kalo muncul tulisan “query_id=……”, pilih Copy.
  11. Done.

English Version

  1. Open the Orion browser, select the three dots in the bottom right corner → choose Settings.
  2. Scroll down to find Extensions, select Chrome, then Turn ON, and close.
  3. Select the three dots in the bottom right corner again → choose Extensions → Click the “+” button in the bottom left corner → Select Install Chrome Extension.
  4. Search for the "Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor” extension.
  5. Install / Add to chrome.
  6. Open Telegram via the web at in the Orion browser, and log in to Telegram.
  7. Start the bot (here we start the bot blum).
  8. If the bot blum is already open, select the three dots in the top right corner → scroll down → select the "Telegram Mini App Auth Extractor” extension.
  9. Click Check.
  10. If the text “query_id=……” appears, select Copy.
  11. Done.